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Use story-driven emails to grow your biz.

We’re wired to respond to stories. They help us learn and make sense of the world around us. They allow us to remember facts, understand important info, and relate to others.

So why aren’t you using them in your emails yet? ;)

If you’ve been overwhelmed at the thought of even trying… this guide will get you started with bite-sized steps you can begin today.

Get 7 ACTIONABLE steps PLUS exercises, lists, and my bonus "Don't hit send yet!" checklist to get you started.

Yes, you can be that person…

Finally! Her little icon pops into your inbox. You drop what you’re doing, sandwich half-made, water running in the sink, fridge door hanging open… because you can never resist the urge to read her emails.

You realize it’s a doozy of an email, but you don’t hesitate to dig in. The words just keep sucking you in, line after line. The chaos you left in the kitchen disappears as you read this magical message that was seemingly written just for you.

You get to the end and you think, damn, how was that SO good? You even contemplate hitting “reply” to share your thoughts. And you never reply.

Guess what? You can be that person. No, not the eager recipient. The sender. The one whose emails are so irresistible, their people can’t wait to read them.

And you can get started today. Your community is waiting to hear your stories.

Grab your free download below and let’s do this.

Make Your Emails

Get 7 ACTIONABLE STEPS to start using today!

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